Schedule Japan Expo 2020 contest

June 21, 2020

Lives schedule for Japan Expo contest is now available! Click on the picture for more details.

Deadline postponed till June 24!!

June 17, 2020

Bannière et signature par Nagi

Ultimate deadline extension !! No excuses now ;) We're waiting for your vids!

New deadline: June 24, 11.59pm (GMT+2 Paris)

Deadline postponed till June 20!!

June 08, 2020

Bannière et signature par Nagi

No need to add anything, you dreamed of it, here it is!! No excuses now ;) We're waiting for your vids!

New deadline: June 20, 11.59pm (GMT+2 Paris)

Time to register to Japan Expo 2020!

March 25, 2020

Poster and signature by Nagi

Japan Expo is above all the biggest European convention about Japanese popular culture. The international AMV contest has been running for ten years and has always received many renowned editors through time. the usual custom is to unveil the finalists and their ranking by screening them on a giant screen, at the convention, where their videos are watched by hundreds of people! This year again, we hope for a fierce competition! However, do not hesitate to join the party, every level is welcomed, we expect many of you!

If the Japan Expo 2020 convention is canceled or moved due to CoVid-19, the competition will still be maintained!

Deadline: June 7nd 2020, 11.59pm (GMT+2 Paris).

AMV France à Made In Asia 2020 !

February 17, 2020

Nous serons présents à la convention Made In Asia à Bruxelles pour rencontrer et échanger avec tous les amateurs d'AMV !

Au programme, entre autres, diffusion de clips, rencontre avec les membres du staff et de l'association présents pour s'occuper du stand et des initiations au montage pour les plus curieux d'entre vous !

Alors si vous êtes vers Bruxelles les 13, 14 et 15 mars, n'hésitez pas, on a hâte de vous voir !

EDIT : En raison de l’impact mondial du COVID-19 le festival est reporté à une date ultérieure.

Nouveau Staff 2020-2021

January 08, 2020

Bonjour, voici donc les résultats des élections, 33 votants sur nos 54 membres:

1. Cmoididi
2. Minasa
3. Skydean
4. SachaValentine
5. Shadox
6. Sakki
7. Anisakis
8. Kensei
9. Onleye
10. Hatsuyo

Results Online Contest!

December 29, 2019

Here we are, judges' results are released as well as Public's Choice! Thanks to all contestants who played the game of anonimity and who showed us so many cool entries. We hope to see you again for the next edition!

End of display period, starting votes!

December 25, 2019

The last AMV from the Online Contest has been displayed! You can now vote for your favourite AMVs among the 39 sent.

The voting period will end on Saturday December 28th 11pm59 GMT+1. We will release Public's Choice as well as the judges' ranking on Sunday December 29th.


Deadline postponed till December 15!!

December 03, 2019

No need to add anything, you dreamed of it, here it is!! No excuses now ;) We're waiting for your vids!

New deadline: December 15, 11.59pm (GMT+2 Paris)

AMV France à Japan Touch Lyon 2019 !

November 23, 2019

Nous serons présents au Japan Touch 2019 à Lyon pour rencontrer et échanger avec tous les amateurs d'AMV !

Au programme, entre autres, diffusion de clips, rencontre avec les membres du staff et de l'association présents pour s'occuper du stand et des initiations au montage pour les plus curieux d'entre vous !

Alors si vous êtes vers Lyon les 30 novembre et 1er décembre, n'hésitez pas, on a hâte de vous voir !