Time to register to Japan Expo 2021!

March 25, 2021

Japan Expo is above all the biggest European convention about Japanese popular culture. The international AMV contest has been running for ten years and has always received many renowned editors through time. the usual custom is to unveil the finalists and their ranking by screening them on a giant screen, at the convention, where their videos are watched by hundreds of people! This year again, we hope for a fierce competition! However, do not hesitate to join the party, every level is welcomed, we expect many of you!

If the Japan Expo 2021 convention is canceled or moved due to CoVid-19, the competition will still be maintained online!

Deadline: June 20th 2021, 11.59pm (GMT+2 Paris).

Results Online Contest!

December 31, 2020

Here we are, judges' results are released as well as Public's Choice! Thanks to all contestants who played the game of anonimity and who showed us so many cool entries. We hope to see you again for the next edition!

End of display period, starting votes!

December 22, 2020

The last AMV from the Online Contest has been displayed! You can now vote for your favourite AMVs among the 47 sent.

The voting period will end on Saturday December 25th 11pm59 GMT+1. We will release Public's Choice as well as the judges' ranking on Sunday December 26th.


Deadline postponed till December 13!!

November 16, 2020

No need to add anything, you dreamed of it, here it is!! No excuses now ;) We're waiting for your vids!

New deadline: December 13, 11.59pm (GMT+2 Paris)

Online Contest 2020

September 09, 2020

Hi everyone. This year again, AMV-France is proud to announce the Online Contest 2020, an event which offers a fair experience with his particular rule - 100% ANONYMOUS.

Problem? Contact contest@amv-france.com.

New contest, new partner !

August 11, 2020

Double dose de news, bonjour !

Nous avons été contactés par la boutique Rêve de Manga pour un nouveau partenariat !
À cette occasion, nous avons lancé le Summer Interlude .

Le principe étant de créer des vidéos courtes de type "promo" ou "Interlude" comme on a l'habitude de les appelléer dans l'association pour promouvoir le monde des animés en général. (discord pour les informations et les inscriptions)

Les meilleures vidéos se verront diffusées en vitrine du magasin de notre partenaire et en convention par la suite.

N'hésiter pas à participer, de nombreux lots sont à gagner tels que des figurines, des blu-ray, des DVD, des mangas et même des cartes à jouer pour les amateurs !

Aram Contest 2020!

August 08, 2020

Yo tout le monde!

Cette année encore, l'ARAM revient pour sa 5ème édition du 24 Août au 30 Août avec une nouveauté cette année : il y aura en plus du classement un prix du public organisé à la manière du tournoi CDC de la JE avec toutes les MEPs. Vous pouvez retrouver les règles sur le forum et sur le discord où vous pourrez vous inscrire jusqu'au 17 août. En attendant, on vous rappel qu'il y a toujours le Summer Interlude dont la deadline a été reporté au 16 Août.
(merci à @NVGI pour la bannière)

Finalists' Ranking

July 05, 2020

Here is the ranking of finalists of the Japan Expo 2020 Contest (with Public Prize and "Coup de coeur"). Congratulations to all!

◄ Finalists' Ranking

1) JazzsVids - Void Eternal
2) Sakki - Hanami
4) ReyNeroKun - Enflame
5) Syeroz - Gehenna
6) Skydean - Kyber Soul
7) NoVaX & Hedge - Ikaruga
8) SachaValentine - Colors Feeling
9) Luciole - PKMN Adventure 2
10) Brenda Hikaru - Memories
11) Leeamv - freak show
12) Shadox - NUΛGE
13) Onleye - Satan's Curse
14) Keintseru - Dracarys
15) Cmoididi - I miss the days
16) MagicDarkLight - Last Arcanum
17) AzukaYuki - Yami
18) athrun - Minerva
19) Nalan - Kitsune - The Dark Age
20) wkha - Digimon Generations
21) Eléo - Dreamer 2020
22) flo55 - Neolight
23) NeKu - WA-HUM II
24) Katsuki - ΩMEGA
25) Envy. - VENUS
26) WhiteRabbit - Bellcules

◄ Public Prize

JazzsVids - Void Eternal

◄ "Coup de cœur" Winner


Download link are available here.

Finalists and "Coups de coeur"

July 02, 2020

We have 26 finalists and 11 amvs Coups de Cœurs this year.
Finalists will be ranked by a jury of AMV editors and shown live on Sunday 5th of July at 2:30 pm.
"Coups de Cœurs" amvs will not be part of the final ranking but they will take part in a live tourney where the audience choose who can pass each step at friday 3rd of July at 8:30 pm.

59 AMVs received!

June 28, 2020

Bannière et signature par Nagi

You sent us 59 AMVs this year! Thanks a lot for taking part in our contest!

Each day at 9 pm, we will be announcing editors selected (finalists or the Coup de Coeur section) on our youtube channel and the forum!