You have voted for your AMV Awards 2023!
Best Newcomer - Damis
Most Improved Editor - Miracry
Best New Recruitment - Miracry
Best Beta Tester - Glave
Most Sociable Editor - Jinzo
Most Active Editor - Luciole
Most Mysterious Editor - JIGSAW
The Flash (Best IC Editor) - Luciole
3D God (Best 3D AMV Editor) - Fnalex
Tryharder / Shonen Spirit - Sakki
Best Contest - Japan Expo
Judge of the Year - Sagiki
Crazy Dropper - ZarKos
The Pacifist (Best Editor outside contests) - Luciole
Best Content Creator / Twitter User - Jinzo
Best Viewer / AMV Consumer - Jinzo
Best Contest Organizer - AMV France
Best MEP Organizer - Jinzo
Graphic Designer of the Year - Svet
Team of the Year - Sora to Kasai
AMV Editor of the Year - JIGSAW
We remind that these Awards had only one goal and it is to celebrate the French community and its representatives for their investment, with a lighthearted tone! Votes were limited to French community people so they should not be seen as global AMV Awards. Congratulations to the winners but they are of course accompanied by other actors who make our scene thrive!
To fully appreciate the event, you should watch the VOD of
the live results. Unfortunately, it is not foreseen to fully translate it in English at the moment: