Changes in Staff

May 08, 2024

The AMV France Staff regret to inform you that MagicDarkLight, Onleye and Minasa have decided to resign from their staff positions. Their departure, though difficult, has been taken with reflection and respect.

We want to express our gratitude for their valuable contribution and wish them all the best for the future.

Registrations for the Japan Expo contest are open!

May 08, 2024

We teased you, you dreamed of it... Registrations for the Japan Expo contest are open! We are expecting many of you!

Deadline: June 16th 2024, 11.59pm (GMT+2 Paris).

Mise à jour du site

May 05, 2024

Bonjour à tous,

Le site AMV France vient d'être mis à jour ! Rafraichissement du design, mode sombre ainsi que de nouvelles fonctionnalités sont disponibles.
La grosse nouveauté de cette version : il vous faudra désormais vous inscrire pour participer à nos concours, ce qui vous permettra de mieux gérer votre inscription.
De nouvelles fonctionnalités suivront, restez à l'écoute et n'hésitez pas à nous proposer vos idées !

AMV France à Manga Aix'Po 2024!

March 31, 2024

Nous serons présents à la Manga Aix'Po à l'Espanade Mozart d'Aix-en-Provence pour rencontrer et échanger avec tous les amateurs d'AMV !

Au programme, diffusion de clips, rencontre avec les membres du staff présents pour s'occuper du stand de l'association et éventuellement des petites démonstration de clip en live pour les plus curieux d'entre vous !

Alors si vous êtes vers Aix-en-Provence les 4 et 5 mai 2024, n'hésitez pas, on a hâte de vous voir !
Notre participation à cette convention est rendue possible grâce à notre partenaire Rêve de Manga, également présent au salon. Retrouvez leur librairie à Aix en Provence et n'hésitez pas à passer sur leur stand pour discuter avec eux et découvrir leurs nombreux produits dérivés!

Japan expo contest, it's right now !

March 28, 2024

Japan Expo is above all the biggest European convention about Japanese popular culture. The international AMV contest has been running for ten years and has always received many renowned editors through time. the usual custom is to unveil the finalists and their ranking by screening them on a giant screen, at the convention, where their videos are watched by hundreds of people! This year again, we hope for a fierce competition! However, do not hesitate to join the party, every level is welcomed, we expect many of you!

Deadline: June 16th 2024, 11.59pm (GMT+2 Paris).
Registration will open shortly, but you can start working on your video right away!

AMV Awards 2023 Results!

February 17, 2024

You have voted for your AMV Awards 2023!

Best Newcomer - Damis
Most Improved Editor - Miracry
Best New Recruitment - Miracry
Best Beta Tester - Glave
Most Sociable Editor - Jinzo
Most Active Editor - Luciole
Most Mysterious Editor - JIGSAW
The Flash (Best IC Editor) - Luciole
3D God (Best 3D AMV Editor) - Fnalex
Tryharder / Shonen Spirit - Sakki
Best Contest - Japan Expo
Judge of the Year - Sagiki
Crazy Dropper - ZarKos
The Pacifist (Best Editor outside contests) - Luciole
Best Content Creator / Twitter User - Jinzo
Best Viewer / AMV Consumer - Jinzo
Best Contest Organizer - AMV France
Best MEP Organizer - Jinzo
Graphic Designer of the Year - Svet
Team of the Year - Sora to Kasai
AMV Editor of the Year - JIGSAW

We remind that these Awards had only one goal and it is to celebrate the French community and its representatives for their investment, with a lighthearted tone! Votes were limited to French community people so they should not be seen as global AMV Awards. Congratulations to the winners but they are of course accompanied by other actors who make our scene thrive!

To fully appreciate the event, you should watch the VOD of the live results. Unfortunately, it is not foreseen to fully translate it in English at the moment:

AMV Awards 2023

February 08, 2024

AMV France is pleased to announce its new show: the AMV Awards 2023. The aim is to reward various individuals (and others) from the French community in various categories. Vote for the person of your choice, the event aims to be light-hearted so don't stress too much, vote for the categories that resonate with you the most and choose the person in a personal way, the one that resonates most with the theme that you are free to interpret as you wish.

We will then meet for a live event on February 16, 2023, at 8 p.m. on the AMV France YouTube channel to reveal the winners of each category. You can obviously vote for the same person in different categories but please try to vote for people from the French community.

Find the forms for the categories below:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

We count on your participation!

Results Online Contest 2023

January 18, 2024

Here we are, judges' results are released as well as Public's Choice! Thanks to all contestants who played the game of anonimity and who showed us so many cool entries. We hope to see you again for the next edition!

End of display period, starting votes!

January 15, 2024

The last AMV from the Online Contest has been displayed! You can now vote for your favourite AMVs among the 21 sent.

The voting period will end on Wednesday January 17th 11pm59 GMT+1. We will release Public's Choice as well as the judges' ranking on Sunday January 18th at 7pm as a Youtube live stream for the top 10 and 30 minutes later for the full results on our website.


New Staff 2024-2025

January 08, 2024

Hello, here are the election results:

1. Dabodero
2. SachaValentine
3. Minasa
4. MagicDarkLight
5. Mello
6. Sagiki
7. Lightning
8. Onleye
9. Sakuta
10. KiRr

As well as the distribution of roles:
President: MagicDarkLight
Vice-President: Onleye
Treasurer: Minasa
Secretary: Dabodero
Webmaster: SachaValentine (and Dabodero)